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Editorial assessment, copy-writing, proof-reading and editing​
"I bloody well loved your report. It was so helpful, and it has completely already revolutionised how I write. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for something like it."
Amy Lee
Keith Homer
These are the four essential pillars of support that any writer embarking on a literary career will need.
to help you shape your material into publishable work.
to read your work with the aim in mind of constant improvement - to the pace, tone, style, choice of words,characters' motivations and narrative tension.
to review your material to ensure its accuracy and readability and to excise all error, omission, inconsistency and repetition.
to pick over the work with painstaking attention and root out those last small errors, typos and slips of the keyboard.

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"Those who tell the stories rule society"
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